Tuesday, December 20, 2005

(Extended) Family Christmas

This past Friday night, we had the annual Cobbs'family Christmas party at our home. It was such a wonderful experience that I wanted to post some of my memories.
Around 4:00, uncles,aunts, cousins, cousins' children, future cousins-in-law, and my mom and brother began trickling in, bearing food, photos, some gifts, and the big beautiful smiles and warm hugs I have known all my life. Quiet at first, the sound of the gathering soon grew to a dull roar, signalling the time for prayer and the long-awaited feast. Warm conversations were paired with this time of dining. Laughter broke out here and there, tears here and there, smiles everywhere.
After everyone had eaten to their heart's content, my uncles rounded up songbooks and singers and we gathered in the den for hymns, carols, and our special version of The Twelve Days of Christmas and Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer. Different responses follow different songs: peals of laughter (for humorous performances), tears (for those missing), and tears of emotion (over the beautiful harmonies and words).
During all of this, there is the wonderful scuttering of children underfoot; streaking by, laughing, scattering toys, looking for their playmates,occasionally disagreeing and just generally adding the crowning touch to a Norman Rockwell evening.
Drinks for the hoarse follow the singing, a small group breaks out the guitar and harmonica, and people began to gather their things for the trek home. One by one, these earthly angels head to their homes, leaving our home blessed by their presence.
We feel truly graced to have such a gathering to look forward to each year and are thankful for the effort our family makes to get together. These are the memories I have treasured for as long as I can remember...


Blogger Life is better in the South said...

It was Saturday, actually. I enjoyed it a lot! Except the kids played in my room and they broke like 6 things and messed it up! But, it was fun!

6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You described the evening perfectly, Momma...a Norman Rockwell evening. Perfect!

7:40 AM  
Blogger Owl of the Desert said...

Sounds like much fun! I would have loved to hear some of that beautiful singing.

We tried to get my aunt (Aunt Louise...do you know her?) to do her infamous impression of Lorretta Lynn...but she refused. Unfortunately, it is infamous only to her sisters and brothers, because she will never perform it for the rest of us. But, we did manage to get Aunt Marie to do her Minnie Pearl imitation. Hilarious!

Glad to hear ya'll had a wonderful Christmas. We are truly blessed.

11:32 PM  
Blogger Life is better in the South said...

Minnie Pearl and Loretta Lynn! Y'all have lots of talent in that family that I never knew of!

3:33 PM  

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