Monday, January 16, 2006

Recently, Ralph, Loquacia (sic?) and I attended one of those events that is on everyone's list of 1000 things to do before I die. As we walked from our parked vehicle ( the super sporty Saturn), we noticed this area of downtown was designated the Cultural District ( as proclaimed by the banners from street signs). The Civic Center area is home to the Museum of Art, Theatre as well as the exposition and sporting event arenas. On this particular Saturday, the area was very busy. Thousands were making their way to our event and many others attending an event in the adjacent expo hall. As with any well attended attraction, it is much fun to people watch. And these 2 events brought many to watch.

As we approached the gates with free sponsor tickets in hand, the anxiety level began to rise. The crowds funneled through the gates and then were released to check the merchandise tables or a snack bar (!) before making way to seats. Having not eaten lunch, I immediately got in line for a polish sausage dog with onions and peppers ( remember the fair?), nachos with jalapenos and cheese to share and one large drink. Balancing these culinary delights, we made our way to our seats. BUT ALAS!!! Our seats had been kidnapped by a pair of Carhartt jackets. As we moved them aside, the attendees at the other end of the row exclaimed those were in their group. We then found an usher that patiently explained that our seats were actually 3 rows up as designated by the letter for the row way down in this corner of the ticket. Finally seated, and after satisfying our epicurean desire, we patiently waited for the show.

In a few minutes, the lights dimmed and the announcer kicked off the show! With a tremendous roar from under the stands, the main players were introduced. Mainly from small towns east of the mighty Mississippi River, these players emerged like Knights of the Round Table about to put on a jousting match. In their modern day steeds, they raced out to a roar from the crowd. And as the crowd favorite emerged last, the chant began, softly at first, with increasing volume to match the roar as he burst out in the light......." GGRRAAAAVEDIGGERRRR!!!!!!".

And immediately the driver punched the throttle and those big front wheels came off the ground as the equally big rear wheels grabbed the dirt. The smell of burning alcohol quickly filled the air as SIX, yes 6, monster trucks warmed to the crowd. Flash bulbs popped, banners waved and the event was off. For the next two hours we enjoyed wheelie popping, car crunching, doughnut spinning delight from these monsters of the garage. And in between were ATV races and even a 4-wheeler jump over 4 of the big bashers.

And then it was over. We left with the other attendees, smiles on our faces, Loquacia waving her banner and joined crowds from the expo hall gleefully leaving the GUN SHOW, and we all made our way back to our vehicles.

Such was a recent Saturday of culture as we marked off another item of the list of 1000.


Blogger Life is better in the South said...

Wow, I can almost smell the alcohol...only the greatest of Dads would take the time to ensure that his children had been exposed to such culture!

4:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that actually sounds like loads of fun!

9:31 AM  
Blogger Owl of the Desert said...

Sounds very Southern, but lots of fun! And, definitely a cultural event.

3:20 PM  

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