Order Brings Peace
School has begun, and we have slowly increased our load until we are nearly up to full speed. As we follow our schedule, completing lessons, chores, meal preparation and extracurriculars, a sense of peace begins to come to me. Routines "are like the walls of a house--they give stability to your program." It seems more things are accomplished with less effort and there is not that continual nagging feeling that you've left something undone that should have been done.
Summer is wonderful, but I agree with Big P that its almost complete lack of order in our home leaves something to be desired. Perhaps we can find a happy medium next summer so that there's more of that feeling of peace during the wild and wonderful summer! My mission, should I choose to accept it, is to read through Sanity in Summertime sometime in February and make a rough plan for our valuable time next summer.
I have a friend who is most always calm and she teaches her children in a seemingly carefree, unstructured method. Much to my surprise, I found out that her secret was in planning many details before her year began, freeing her to be spontaneous during the school year. God is a god of order and it is true: structure works--order brings peace.
I've had that book on my shelf for years. Hasn't done me much good there. Maybe I'll join you.
btw, all you said here is "yea and amen!"
Perhaps we can swap notes and encoragements in February!
I keep forgetting that you two have a blog! I had some time between classes to read "The Pea Pod" and I've totally missed out on some of the coolest posts. I'll have to remember to check this blog more often!
I love y'all!!!
nice of Eugene to check in,...finally...luv ya' back
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